Exhibition 2021
With the Covid-19 restrictions our exhibition this year is being held online. A total of 530 images have been selected for display. The selection and awards were made by John Whitby MFIAP, EFIAPp, MPAGB, a member of Leicester Forest Photographic Society.
A welcome from our president, John Osborn:
It has been a very difficult year for the Society, as it has been for everyone. Nevertheless, we have managed to put on an excellent online Exhibition that will run for four weeks from May 14th. My thanks to all the members and other clubs who entered their work. Special thanks have to go to Chris and Jean for setting up the software and sorting the images, and to John Whitby for judging and selecting the images.
There is something for everyone, so please have a good look and enjoy.
Here are John Whitby’s comments on the accepted images.
It was a great pleasure to be asked to judge the 2021 L&L exhibition . Needless to say there was a strong and varied entry in all sections of the competition. Clearly, there were many different levels of experience on view but I was impressed by the wide variety of styles and approaches to commonly photographed scenes, people and settings.
Despite the difficulties facing photographers during 2020, it was good to see numerous examples of recent images and new interpretations of old subjects but perhaps not as many as might have been expected of the challenges of people living with the pandemic .
Congratulations to those who gained an award but also to those who have enjoyed taking part in making this a successful event. As judge, I enjoyed reviewing each and every one of the 700+ images presented and hope that the photographers who took part will go from strength to strength with their future work and compete once again in 2022
The images were entered into nine categories. For L&LPS members there are colour, monochrome and nature sections. Open to everyone are sections for colour, monochrome, nature, sport, and Great Central Railway. This last one is sponsored by the Great Central Railway Ltd for images taken on that railway, which could be of trains, stations, re-enactment events, etc. Lastly there is the Greenlees section for club or society entries where each panel is four images.
Each section is displayed as a slideshow which can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails below. There is an explanation of the slideshow controls on the help page.
L&LPS members sections
Open sections
Panel entries from photographic clubs or societies
© All images are copyright of the photographers
This exhibition is sponsored by